From the Annals of the Vaporous Realms
In the lesser Fangs, men-folk and women-folk first heard whispers on the wind. They followed this uncanny voice into the wandering wastes and called themselves Wind Hunters.
Codex: The Wind Hunters
The Wind Hunters were one of the thirteen clans that followed Len Ghremson out of the wandering wastes early in the first epoch. Their chief and elders were Listeners, men- and women-folk (though mostly the latter) who claimed to hear the whispers of the wind. The unseen source of this voice was ambiguous: Listeners and other folk might attribute the whispers to the Wright, to Duiz or Livyat, or to the wastes themselves. Kaelii, companion of Len, was born a Wind Hunter.
Author Note
Len the Wanderer's profile for tabletop play is ready and posted! To spare y'all extra emails and notifications, I've decided to link to each new character profile from the author note in the next day's Annals installment or other snippet—as I've done here. I'd be grateful for any questions or feedback from tabletop enthusiasts who give the characters a whirl.
In other matters, I have less than half of the Dustsong: Len the Wanderer limited print run remaining. Yikes. I'd better get serious about revising and expanding Len's story (this fall) and drafting Kaelii's (this winter)!