The first-folk were the first generation of earthly folk brought into being by the Wright. In the Redeemed kingdoms and Lost Kingdom, first-folk referred narrowly to Ghrem and Lae but broadly encompassed their immediate offspring, who were likewise born in the Fangs of Livyat. Len the Wanderer was Ghrem and Lae’s eldest, followed by Sceg, Pehr of the hill-folk, and several others. Legends recalled that these first-folk of the Fangs were exceptionally long-lived, or even immortal.
“A Name” (from the Dustsong Cycle, first epoch)
Two eyes glinted in the setting sun. Ghrem propped his bearded chin on his walking staff and stared back, into the dense foliage lining the edge of the meadow. Sunset or no, he wasn’t in any special hurry. Lae would only fuss a little if he delayed his return.
She knows I must work when the work is ready. Different sorts of critters make themselves known after dark.
The skulking beast held its place in the underbrush. Ghrem breathed easy, inhaling the newborn evening. He smiled.
No sooner had the corners of his mouth turned up than the eyes vanished. Ghrem raised his chin but otherwise held his place. He leaned on his staff and bode his time.
A hairy, four-legged beast with pointy ears and a long snout, ending in a round black nose, crept out of the brush. Its coat of grey and white called to mind the snowcapped Fangs that rose above the verdant green walls of Ghrem’s valley home. Fascination took him over as he watched the beast approach.
A few paces off, it hesitated, right forepaw raised, and loosed a short growl. Ghrem flinched in surprise. Fiercer than I reckoned, for a critter that’s barely waist-high. It barked at him.
It wants a name—that’s all. He closed his eyes and waited until a word sprang from his mind, like an eagle piercing the mountain mist.
Wolf padded up to Ghrem and sat at his feet. He crouched and patted the beast on its head. Its tongue lolled lazily, but up close, wisdom shone in its eyes.
Ghrem grinned. After a lengthy silence, he stood and started toward the cave where he and Lae slept. Wolf followed close on his heel. She might fuss more than a little.
Vaporous Realms Update
In case you missed my comment on the “Tusker” post last Thursday, here’s the missing link to Ethan Sabatella’s worthwhile series on on Cú Chulainn.
The new Vaporous Realms at War tabletop rules, including adaptations for Middle-earth SBG and DnD, are sketched out, while drafting the core rulebook is on the docket for this fall. We’ll see how playtesting goes! In the meantime, three new waves of Dustsong miniatures are in various states of completion. Here’s my first attempt at felting a critter from the Vaporous Realms: