The Return of Snippets from the Vaporous Realms
And a few other quick publishing updates
Hi, folks!
It turns out, I miss writing in the Vaporous Realms—and sharing it with y’all—too much to let it go completely, even for a couple more months.
We’ll take it slow, to allow bandwidth for novella revisions and an exceptionally busy season of life. But twice a week, we’ll post a snippet here on Substack. Only here on Substack, mind you.
One snippet per week will be available to free subscribers. The second, more substantial snippet each week will be for paid and complimentary subscribers only.
Part of the reason for the sooner-than-expected return to active publishing here is the decision to postpone the publication of Len the Wanderer. That will allow for an additional, thorough round of editing—which can’t hurt, since we’re planning to enter the novella in Realm Makers’ increasingly competitive awards contest next January.
For now, we hope you enjoy the snippets, which we’ll begin posting this week. Happy reading!
—M. B. Heywood and the Vaporous Realms team
So excited! I'm new here but already really enjoying exploring the archive of stories you have posted already!