Len the Wanderer
Dustsong Cycle, First Epoch
Cursed outcast. Reluctant lord of the wandering wastes. Brother of Sceg.
Human / First-folk / Dust-folk
Stone blade (club for clobbering; may be used as sickle for slashing)
Goat-hair cloak (hide armor)
For Strategy Battle Game (SBG)
Leader of 18, 100 points
Move 6”, Courage 6
Fighting skill 3, Shooting skill 4+
Attack 2, Defense 4, Intellect 5, Willpower 2* (see Marked by the Wright)
Strength 4, Might reserves 3, Injury limit 2, Doom 3
Leader abilities:
Heroic toughness (cost of 1 Might reserve; injured only on D6 roll of 6)
Heroic long-march (cost of 1 Might reserve; additional 6” movement)
Bestows Bodyguard (exemption from courage tests) on Dust-folk followers
Special abilities:
Marked by the Wright: When Egwae is within 12”, Len adds +1 to Doom roll (even if he has 0 normal Doom remaining) to avoid Injury.
For Roleplaying Game (RPG)
Neutral Good
Barbarian with spirit warden
Proficient in intimidation, nature, and survival (bonus +2), initiative +1
Defense rating 11, Strength 12 (+1, save +3), Nimbleness 8 (–1, save –1 [best of 2]), Hardiness 14 (+2, save +4), Intellect 14 (+2, save +2), Wisdom 14 (+0, save +0), Charisma 16 (+3, save +3)
Resistant to clobbering, piercing, and slashing
Standard of living: Subsistence
Languages: First-folk, Desert-folk
Traits: gumptious, leery, ornery
Specialties: Fangs lore, mountain-craft, nature lore
NPC Default: Level 3, Hit Points 30
Special abilities (as PC or NPC):
Marked by the Wright: Len must be enraged for his spiritual warding to benefit others directly or for offensive actions, but he himself is shielded by his spirit warden (Egwae) whenever she is present.
Significantly updated tabletop profile for Len the Wanderer, especially the RPG details.