No worries, you're not missing anything! Thanks for posting the question. It's one of the little annoyances of the platform that thumbnails aren't always clickable. In this case, I didn't embed the map in the post, which would've been a logical and helpful thing to do. But I can do one better, now—here is an old post with overview maps for all of the cultural regions:
How do I view the map that is icon for the post? Sorry if there is an obvious solution that I am missing here
No worries, you're not missing anything! Thanks for posting the question. It's one of the little annoyances of the platform that thumbnails aren't always clickable. In this case, I didn't embed the map in the post, which would've been a logical and helpful thing to do. But I can do one better, now—here is an old post with overview maps for all of the cultural regions: